Saturday, June 14, 2008

Social Media Keyword Tools

It is all about keywords? Well, not really. It is indeed all about the demographics of each keyword. When someone searches Google for "SEATTLE real estate", you have to put in the mindset of the researcher. To research this expression? It could be a prospect for a house, a local real estate agent control properties, or a real estate broker looking for a new recruit. Assuming a keyword to generate a return on investment for the time and budget needed to have an organic result in the search engine May be a monolithic mistake.Rather think everything "in box" of search terms and keywords, think demography. Think target market.Consider means of social communication a chance to explore your target market. A keyword leads to another, leads to another. In a few steps, May you discover that your best prospect for your business May of two or three levels removed from the place where you were trying to reach them.Example: real estate professionals still want to show " city-state property "as a term. Yet often they need to reach a person much earlier in the process. A real estate transaction is a relationship based sales process to take from one to twelve months. The indicators are in line with regard to what people do before buying a house. They get married. They find a new job. They are divorced. They have children. They go to school.Social media generates a whole new series of keywords to compare and study in the "big picture" demographicshobbies and interestsfamily connectionsfriend networksTaking real estate example, you can see in schools, churches, the main employers , Lawyers, hospitals and create a niche for themselves in a strong and constant production of the category. For example, Boeing, Idearc, AT & T, Comcast, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. are all very present in the Seattle area. More importantly, some of these companies have huge groups of employees clustered around certain neighborhoods.How can I find my niche? Think of BoxThere are a variety of tools there to help you research with the keyword and drawing some conclusions. There are different categories of tools that can be used together or individually, they will help you discover: the popularity of your keywordwho talking about your niche (and those involved in the conversation) keyword synonyms and related terms (a letter May all the difference) industry trends niche and traffic patternsKeyword Research Tools-Google AdWords Keyword Suggestions-Use keywords to get new ideas for keywords. It works to provide keywords from words or phrases may also recommend depending on the terrain content.-Google Traffic Estimator-a very simple to use tool traffic. You can discharge from a list of hundreds of keywords or phrases and see what choices for your next article.-WordTracker - Wordtracker is the best non-google, but it requires you to buy a subscription for the actual use of tool (and I am a fan of free and low cost) Competitive keywords Research Analytics - Identifies rival search marketing strategies to take your SEM and SEO efforts to the next level. Sets also the distribution of traffic on competitor sites.-KeywordSpy - which shows that competitors are buying or ranking in the organic search results, including pay-per-click ad-Manual KeyCompete - shows pay-per-click words that competitors are buying.Social specialized media - TweetVolume, TweetScan, Summize all to give an overview Twitter. They can show you how a keyword is spoken and terms which are attracted by tag page StumbleUpon tags - - The most popular tags (keywords) can be seen in groups of 'information. -- Directory BlogCatalog - MyBlogLog - are both massive directory of sites that have been marked by a member of the community. You can quickly find a term to see how a popular site and members of each site that May be influencers. IceRocket Trends - Technorati tags - Useful to see trends of keywords (IceRocket) and authority value (Technorati-the number of sites linking to another site)


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