Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Are You a Sponsor or a Recruiter?

Are You a Sponsor or a Recruiter? $(function() { $('#tabs1, #tabs1a, #tabs2').tabify() } ) _uacct = "UA-318473-1"; urchinTracker();
Free Online Articles Directory Why Submit Articles? Top Authors Top Articles FAQ Publish Article 03.12.2008 | Login | Register | Hello Guest Home Page Advertising Multimedia Are You a Sponsor or a Recruiter? Are You a Sponsor or a Recruiter? Posted: 26-11-2008 | Comments: 0 | Views: 1 Related Articles Related Q&A You are the Most Important Factor in Any MLMIs our Countries Recession Draining Your Finances? the Solution Could be a Home BusinessTips That Will Help You Deal With Your ProblemsA Networking Company Without the Sign Up Fees, Investments and RisksEarn $1000 a Day Free, and Get Your Golden WingsWhat is Network Marketing?The 5 Essential Modules You Must Complete When Using an MLM System!To Attract the Perfect Prospects in Network Marketing , Avoid These Pitfalls Ask the community a question about this article:
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Syndicate this Article Copy to clipboard Are You a Sponsor or a Recruiter?Author: johnnyjoy

Working Together Is Success

If You Help,You Will Be Helped In Return

Most people get involved in the network marketing industry with the goal of creating ?walk-away? residual income. The idea is to build a business that continues to generate income long after you stop working. And wouldn?t it be nice to be able to leave a profitable, absentee ownership business to your children?

The issue is, you cannot create this type of business and legacy by recruiting new members.  You have to sponsor them!

What?s the difference, you ask? There are many fundamental differences between sponsors and recruiters. Let?s take a quick peek at the most important differences in vital areas of the business.

Þ Quantity vs. Quality Ü
Sponsors focus on quality. Wouldn't you prefer to sponsor a manageable number of high quality members with leadership potential? Sponsors are genuinely interested in the success of their team members and provide hands on training and support.

Recruiters ?sign up? as many new members as possible without regard for their development.  Recruiters hope that a few will stick and turn out to be the superstars that will help build their business. They sign people up and then move on to sign up the next one.

Þ Team Building Ü
Sponsors focus on developing leaders. They take the time and energy to work with their new members, teaching them to become excellent sponsors. This leads to ?layers of leadership? and fosters strong roots and a solid foundation to build a dynamic, profitable organization.

Recruiters build only on a single level - their first level. They sign up as many distributors as possible without regard for the demands of training and support. Most of their members quit. Those who stay emulate the ?sign ?em up and move on? attitude of their sponsor.

Þ Developing Relationships Ü
Sponsors treat their members as they would a husband or wife; they say ?I do? and work at the relationship. They stick with their team through ups & downs and thick & thin. They foster ?long-term? relationships. They understand that focusing on the success of each individual team member is a sure fire formula for building a strong, durable and profitable team.

Recruiters have more of a ?love? em and leave ?em? attitude. They are more interested in a ?one night stand? than a long-term commitment.

Þ Continuity Ü
Sponsoring is a continuing process; it's a lifelong journey that the sponsor and member make together. A sponsor makes an ongoing investment in each person they sponsor. A sponsor becomes a mentor and friend to their members. They take the time necessary to develop leadership qualities in their members.

Recruiting is a one-time process that ends when they sign someone up. Recruiters are much like door-to-door salespeople who make the sale and then move on to the next house. They don?t invest in developing leaders; they hope that sponsoring en mass will result in uncovering a few superstars.

Become a sponsor, become a leader ... and leaders will follow you. As long as you are involved with a solid company, with in-demand products, and a fair compensation plan you will succeed, as long as you adopt a long-term sponsor's attitude about your business.

About the Author:

Working Together Is Success
Am a Mentor,Sponsor,Assist Other Networker
To Achieve Their Goal In Network Marketing
Working With
A revolutionary, automated sponsoring and mentoring system to put your business on the FastTrack!

Powerful sponsoring tools for FREE??

Our goal is to help families and individuals create large part-time and full-time income streams from the comfort of their own home. By simply using the 24/7 FastTrack? System and the magic of duplication, the cost of marketing your business becomes an income stream instead of an expense.

24/7 FastTrack? is a "high-tech, high-touch" system that will literally explode your primary business while simultaneously generating multiple income streams.

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Working Together Is Success

If You Help,You Will Be Helped In Return

Most people get involved in the network marketing industry with the goal of creating ?walk-away? residual income. The idea is to build a business that continues to generate income long after you stop working. And wouldn?t it be nice to be able to leave a profitable, absentee ownership business to your children?

The issue is, you cannot create this type of business and legacy by recruiting new members.  You have to sponsor them!

What?s the difference, you ask? There are many fundamental differences between sponsors and recruiters. Let?s take a quick peek at the most important differences in vital areas of the business.

Þ Quantity vs. Quality Ü
Sponsors focus on quality. Wouldn't you prefer to sponsor a manageable number of high quality members with leadership potential? Sponsors are genuinely interested in the success of their team members and provide hands on training and support.

Recruiters ?sign up? as many new members as possible without regard for their development.  Recruiters hope that a few will stick and turn out to be the superstars that will help build their business. They sign people up and then move on to sign up the next one.

Þ Team Building Ü
Sponsors focus on developing leaders. They take the time and energy to work with their new members, teaching them to become excellent sponsors. This leads to ?layers of leadership? and fosters strong roots and a solid foundation to build a dynamic, profitable organization.

Recruiters build only on a single level - their first level. They sign up as many distributors as possible without regard for the demands of training and support. Most of their members quit. Those who stay emulate the ?sign ?em up and move on? attitude of their sponsor.

Þ Developing Relationships Ü
Sponsors treat their members as they would a husband or wife; they say ?I do? and work at the relationship. They stick with their team through ups & downs and thick & thin. They foster ?long-term? relationships. They understand that focusing on the success of each individual team member is a sure fire formula for building a strong, durable and profitable team.

Recruiters have more of a ?love? em and leave ?em? attitude. They are more interested in a ?one night stand? than a long-term commitment.

Þ Continuity Ü
Sponsoring is a continuing process; it's a lifelong journey that the sponsor and member make together. A sponsor makes an ongoing investment in each person they sponsor. A sponsor becomes a mentor and friend to their members. They take the time necessary to develop leadership qualities in their members.

Recruiting is a one-time process that ends when they sign someone up. Recruiters are much like door-to-door salespeople who make the sale and then move on to the next house. They don?t invest in developing leaders; they hope that sponsoring en mass will result in uncovering a few superstars.

Become a sponsor, become a leader ... and leaders will follow you. As long as you are involved with a solid company, with in-demand products, and a fair compensation plan you will succeed, as long as you adopt a long-term sponsor's attitude about your business.

Working Together Is Success
Am a Mentor,Sponsor,Assist Other Networker
To Achieve Their Goal In Network Marketing
Working With
A revolutionary, automated sponsoring and mentoring system to put your business on the FastTrack!

Powerful sponsoring tools for FREE??

Our goal is to help families and individuals create large part-time and full-time income streams from the comfort of their own home. By simply using the 24/7 FastTrack? System and the magic of duplication, the cost of marketing your business becomes an income stream instead of an expense.

24/7 FastTrack? is a "high-tech, high-touch" system that will literally explode your primary business while simultaneously generating multiple income streams.

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Media Advertising Must Adapt to Survive in 2009

Media Advertising Must Adapt to Survive in 2009 $(function() { $('#tabs1, #tabs1a, #tabs2').tabify() } ) _uacct = "UA-318473-1"; urchinTracker();
Free Online Articles Directory Why Submit Articles? Top Authors Top Articles FAQ Publish Article 03.12.2008 | Login | Register | Hello Guest Home Page Advertising Multimedia Media Advertising Must Adapt to Survive in 2009 Media Advertising Must Adapt to Survive in 2009 Posted: 02-12-2008 | Comments: 0 | Views: 5 Related Articles Related Q&A The Seven Deadly Sins of Advertising.Abandon Hope All Yea Who Enter Advertising Agencies!It?s Time We Woke Up to the Fact That Sir Martin Sorrell Does Immense Damage to the Advertising Business!The Poor Old Clients Have Nothing at the Moment!Game Playing and Marketing Games Offer You a Unique Way to Entertain -- and Sell at the Same Time!The Broadcast Ad Model is Broken. Now What?This Marketing Crisis is an Opportunity to Call Advertising to AccountThe Broadcast Ad Model is Broken. Now What? Ask the community a question about this article:
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Syndicate this Article Copy to clipboard Media Advertising Must Adapt to Survive in 2009Author: Kevin Watson

Broadcasters, marketers and media buyers agree that, because we now live in a video-on-demand world in which consumers control what they watch and when, the broadcast advertising model is broken.  And while the media industry is still sorting through their predicament on television, perhaps the even more troubling news is that, due to the tough economic conditions the world faces going into 2009, all indications are that online ad spending will dip over the next year.  What can media companies and advertisers do in this floundering ad ecosystem?  The short answer: they will have to change the way advertising is bought and sold, measured and delivered.

Traditional television audiences are eroding.  In October, the four biggest broadcast networks reported declines in audiences between the ages of 18 and 49.   Many analysts believe that those eyeballs are moving from television to online.  Advertising Age, in a study on social networking and its impact on television, found that 25% of users of social networking sites like Facebook indicated they were spending less time watching TV because of the time they were spending online.  And more than a third of all 12 - 64 year olds online indicated they used social networking sites regularly.   With audiences being siphoned away from television, and using time-shifting digital video recorder (DVR) technology like TiVo to skip ads while they are watching TV, advertising dollars to be had in the broadcast medium are on the decline.

So media companies should simply follow their audiences online, right?  The picture is not that clear.  The current economic climate is eroding ad spending across the board.  TechCrunch indicates that in the third quarter, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and AOL collectively eked out only a 0.6% increase in online advertising revenue quarter over quarter. reports that, while online ad revenue is up 11% year-to-date, compared to last year's growth of 26%, growth has all but stalled in 2008.   They predict that 2009 will be the first flat year for online ad spending since 2003.  Others offer an even gloomier outlook.  In a survey of attendees at AdTech New York, private equity firm Halyard Capital found most predicted digital-marketing budgets would be down 10-20% in 2009.

And even worse news for media companies: rates that advertisers are paying for digital ad space, as traditionally measured by cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM), are trending downward.  According to research by Morgan Stanley, the average CPM for a banner ad has dropped from  $3 to $1 over the past decade.  Consensus seems to be this is because of the proliferation of available inventory (places on the internet to display these ads).  In China, advertisers are paying as little as $.05 CPM because of the rapid explosion of inventory.  And MediaPost predicts that this decline in the rates advertisers are paying will extend to online video advertising in 2009, which is an area that has been enjoying a two year spike in CPMs.

But what about those social networks to which television viewers are being drawn?  Do they offer hope?  Halyard Capital found that 68% of those surveyed believed social networks are in the "strongest position to expand" among the alternative marketing channels over the next two years.   Advertisers see vast potential in social networking as a channel in which to better target advertising to consumers because of all of the personal information being shared.  And content providers see opportunities to tie together traditional media and social networking.  Broadcasters are starting to incorporate community features into their online video players.  Companies like Joost are tapping into social networks like Facebook for social video sharing.

At first glance, then, social networks seem to offer promise as an advertising haven in an economic downturn.   Sites like Facebook, MySpace and YouTube boast a tremendous number of pageviews, a higher than average number of pageviews per user, and a longer average time-on-site.  In a CPM-driven world, this massive pool of pageviews represents a virtual treasure trove of "inventory," because of the sheer number of eyeballs.  The problem, however, is that the data shows that the actual performance of ads on these social networks is absolutely dismal. Click-through rates on these sites are 10 to 100 times lower than the average for banner ads, which were already in the 0.1 percent to 1 percent range.

According to Dr. Augustine Fou, Senior VP of Digital Strategy at MRM Worldwide, a digital marketing agency, the very nature of social networking sites make them unsuitable for traditional advertising:

"While the largest Web 1.0 sites (Yahoo, CNET, New York Times, etc.) were content sites that aggregated massive audiences and supported large numbers of pageviews, the largest Web 2.0 sites are social networking sites. The nature of these two types of sites is very different. Users go to Web 1.0 sites and portals to read content or do e-mail by themselves. Users go to Web 2.0 social networks to interact with others and are usually so immersed in socializing they are even less likely to see, let alone act upon, ads, despite the large number of pageviews generated per session. This may partially explain the dramatically lower click rates for ads on social networking sites. "

Ted McConnell, general manager-interactive marketing and innovation at Procter & Gamble Co., postulates that social networks are not only ineffective channels for advertising, they are wholly inappropriate places to market in which attempts to do so alienate consumers.   McConnell poses the question to advertisers: "What in heaven's name made you think you could monetize the real estate in which somebody is breaking up with their girlfriend?"   He makes the point that "social media" is not really "media" at all.  Media is a one-way communication that contains blank spaces that constitute inventory for advertising.  Social networking is a dialog between consumers, in which advertising becomes disruptive.  Consumers were not intending to create media, they were intending to talk to someone.

If television ad revenue is on the decline, digital ad spending on the whole is trending downward, and social networks are failing to deliver on their promise to reach consumers, what can advertisers and media companies do to weather the storm?  Advertisers must ensure that they are getting the best return on investment they can on their remaining ad spending dollars.  Instead of paying for the biggest number of eyeballs they can, they should focus on advertising best positioned to make a conversion.  Online, this likely signals a needed shift from a CPM model, where advertisers pay for the number of folks who will see an ad, to performance-based measurements.  An ad model based on performance would have advertisers paying only for clicks or other targeted consumer actions.

McConnell predicts that as the economy worsens, the fortune of performance-based advertising will rise as impression-based models falter. "'Spray and pray' is a little harder to do when you're under economic pressure," he said. "So performance-based advertising will gain share over CPM."

And according to Dr. Fou, "in the Web 2.0 advertising landscape, many advertisers have already moved beyond the cost-per-impression (CPM) model to a more measurable and accountable cost-per-click (CPC) model (e.g., Google Adwords) in which they only pay when users click through, no matter how many times the ad is displayed. Some have even moved to the next step of cost-per-action (CPA), where the advertiser does not pay until the user does the desired action-e.g., make a purchase. "

How can media companies respond to the demand for performance-based advertising?  It is no longer enough to simply make inventory available, now these companies must ensure that the advertisements will be effective.  This means that it will be more important than ever to target the right advertising to the right consumer at the right time.  And media companies will have to work directly with the advertisers to ensure that advertising is tightly integrated with the content in a way that provides the right context and timing for the message.

One channel that offers some interesting promise for targeting of content is mobile.  62% of AdTech's attendees responding to the survey by Halyard cited mobile as the advertising platform that will grow the most in the next two years.   Mobile has the potential to target a consumer at exactly the right time and the right place.  Imagine walking into a drug store and receiving a coupon by text message on your mobile phone for an over-the-counter pain reliever.  That is the power of location-based advertising, made possible by the proliferation of global positioning system (GPS) technology on mobile phones, that allows providers to know exactly where you are.  This is not science fiction - companies like Loopt and NAVTEQ are already starting to serve up location-based ads on a handset near you.

And while social networks may not prove to be the holy grail in providing a channel for advertising, their vast potential for understanding and targeting consumers may still be the key to effective advertising in a performance-based world.  Dr. Fou explains that "By redefining social networks as 'the collective conversations and actions of customers, evidenced online,' marketers can instead use social networks as places to do research-e.g., test messages with real customers in a real environment, listen to how customers describe their products or services to peers, or get ideas for new products or how to improve current products. And finally, advertisers can identify influencers, mavens or 'heavies' on social networks (the ones who are most active in talking, posting or sharing) and let them beta-test and write about their product or service."

Not only can social networks help advertisers better identify, understand and influence their targets, they have the potential to exponentially extend their reach.   According to Advertising Age, there is "emerging evidence that mapping the online relationships among consumers -- creating so-called social graphs -- can be just as valuable as traditional targeting and segmentation in predicting how people will respond to marketing messages."  The idea is to not only market to your identified target consumer, but market to the other people in that consumer's social network.  The theory is that advertisers should associate "consumers who are already connected and share values and beliefs, a concept called homophily."  Yahoo and several small start-ups are starting to prove out this theory.

Finally, there may still be hope for television.  In early November, Dish Network struck a deal with advertising technology firm Invidi that involves the creation of "advanced receivers" capable of "targeted advertising delivery" and "dynamic commercial insertion."  According to Advertising Age, what this means is "[r]ather than bombarding millions of TV viewers with the same ads for things many of them may not be looking to buy, marketers could in the next two to three years send different ads to different households -- making certain, for example, that Procter & Gamble wouldn't have to pay for Pampers ads watched by a couple with no wee tykes and General Motors wouldn't have to show ads for its Hummer vehicles to a house full of Prius enthusiasts."  Industry experts believe that if consumers are presented with highly relevant advertising, they are far less inclined to skip the ad on their DVR.

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Broadcasters, marketers and media buyers agree that, because we now live in a video-on-demand world in which consumers control what they watch and when, the broadcast advertising model is broken.  And while the media industry is still sorting through their predicament on television, perhaps the even more troubling news is that, due to the tough economic conditions the world faces going into 2009, all indications are that online ad spending will dip over the next year.  What can media companies and advertisers do in this floundering ad ecosystem?  The short answer: they will have to change the way advertising is bought and sold, measured and delivered.

Traditional television audiences are eroding.  In October, the four biggest broadcast networks reported declines in audiences between the ages of 18 and 49.   Many analysts believe that those eyeballs are moving from television to online.  Advertising Age, in a study on social networking and its impact on television, found that 25% of users of social networking sites like Facebook indicated they were spending less time watching TV because of the time they were spending online.  And more than a third of all 12 - 64 year olds online indicated they used social networking sites regularly.   With audiences being siphoned away from television, and using time-shifting digital video recorder (DVR) technology like TiVo to skip ads while they are watching TV, advertising dollars to be had in the broadcast medium are on the decline.

So media companies should simply follow their audiences online, right?  The picture is not that clear.  The current economic climate is eroding ad spending across the board.  TechCrunch indicates that in the third quarter, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and AOL collectively eked out only a 0.6% increase in online advertising revenue quarter over quarter. reports that, while online ad revenue is up 11% year-to-date, compared to last year's growth of 26%, growth has all but stalled in 2008.   They predict that 2009 will be the first flat year for online ad spending since 2003.  Others offer an even gloomier outlook.  In a survey of attendees at AdTech New York, private equity firm Halyard Capital found most predicted digital-marketing budgets would be down 10-20% in 2009.

And even worse news for media companies: rates that advertisers are paying for digital ad space, as traditionally measured by cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM), are trending downward.  According to research by Morgan Stanley, the average CPM for a banner ad has dropped from  $3 to $1 over the past decade.  Consensus seems to be this is because of the proliferation of available inventory (places on the internet to display these ads).  In China, advertisers are paying as little as $.05 CPM because of the rapid explosion of inventory.  And MediaPost predicts that this decline in the rates advertisers are paying will extend to online video advertising in 2009, which is an area that has been enjoying a two year spike in CPMs.

But what about those social networks to which television viewers are being drawn?  Do they offer hope?  Halyard Capital found that 68% of those surveyed believed social networks are in the "strongest position to expand" among the alternative marketing channels over the next two years.   Advertisers see vast potential in social networking as a channel in which to better target advertising to consumers because of all of the personal information being shared.  And content providers see opportunities to tie together traditional media and social networking.  Broadcasters are starting to incorporate community features into their online video players.  Companies like Joost are tapping into social networks like Facebook for social video sharing.

At first glance, then, social networks seem to offer promise as an advertising haven in an economic downturn.   Sites like Facebook, MySpace and YouTube boast a tremendous number of pageviews, a higher than average number of pageviews per user, and a longer average time-on-site.  In a CPM-driven world, this massive pool of pageviews represents a virtual treasure trove of "inventory," because of the sheer number of eyeballs.  The problem, however, is that the data shows that the actual performance of ads on these social networks is absolutely dismal. Click-through rates on these sites are 10 to 100 times lower than the average for banner ads, which were already in the 0.1 percent to 1 percent range.

According to Dr. Augustine Fou, Senior VP of Digital Strategy at MRM Worldwide, a digital marketing agency, the very nature of social networking sites make them unsuitable for traditional advertising:

"While the largest Web 1.0 sites (Yahoo, CNET, New York Times, etc.) were content sites that aggregated massive audiences and supported large numbers of pageviews, the largest Web 2.0 sites are social networking sites. The nature of these two types of sites is very different. Users go to Web 1.0 sites and portals to read content or do e-mail by themselves. Users go to Web 2.0 social networks to interact with others and are usually so immersed in socializing they are even less likely to see, let alone act upon, ads, despite the large number of pageviews generated per session. This may partially explain the dramatically lower click rates for ads on social networking sites. "

Ted McConnell, general manager-interactive marketing and innovation at Procter & Gamble Co., postulates that social networks are not only ineffective channels for advertising, they are wholly inappropriate places to market in which attempts to do so alienate consumers.   McConnell poses the question to advertisers: "What in heaven's name made you think you could monetize the real estate in which somebody is breaking up with their girlfriend?"   He makes the point that "social media" is not really "media" at all.  Media is a one-way communication that contains blank spaces that constitute inventory for advertising.  Social networking is a dialog between consumers, in which advertising becomes disruptive.  Consumers were not intending to create media, they were intending to talk to someone.

If television ad revenue is on the decline, digital ad spending on the whole is trending downward, and social networks are failing to deliver on their promise to reach consumers, what can advertisers and media companies do to weather the storm?  Advertisers must ensure that they are getting the best return on investment they can on their remaining ad spending dollars.  Instead of paying for the biggest number of eyeballs they can, they should focus on advertising best positioned to make a conversion.  Online, this likely signals a needed shift from a CPM model, where advertisers pay for the number of folks who will see an ad, to performance-based measurements.  An ad model based on performance would have advertisers paying only for clicks or other targeted consumer actions.

McConnell predicts that as the economy worsens, the fortune of performance-based advertising will rise as impression-based models falter. "'Spray and pray' is a little harder to do when you're under economic pressure," he said. "So performance-based advertising will gain share over CPM."

And according to Dr. Fou, "in the Web 2.0 advertising landscape, many advertisers have already moved beyond the cost-per-impression (CPM) model to a more measurable and accountable cost-per-click (CPC) model (e.g., Google Adwords) in which they only pay when users click through, no matter how many times the ad is displayed. Some have even moved to the next step of cost-per-action (CPA), where the advertiser does not pay until the user does the desired action-e.g., make a purchase. "

How can media companies respond to the demand for performance-based advertising?  It is no longer enough to simply make inventory available, now these companies must ensure that the advertisements will be effective.  This means that it will be more important than ever to target the right advertising to the right consumer at the right time.  And media companies will have to work directly with the advertisers to ensure that advertising is tightly integrated with the content in a way that provides the right context and timing for the message.

One channel that offers some interesting promise for targeting of content is mobile.  62% of AdTech's attendees responding to the survey by Halyard cited mobile as the advertising platform that will grow the most in the next two years.   Mobile has the potential to target a consumer at exactly the right time and the right place.  Imagine walking into a drug store and receiving a coupon by text message on your mobile phone for an over-the-counter pain reliever.  That is the power of location-based advertising, made possible by the proliferation of global positioning system (GPS) technology on mobile phones, that allows providers to know exactly where you are.  This is not science fiction - companies like Loopt and NAVTEQ are already starting to serve up location-based ads on a handset near you.

And while social networks may not prove to be the holy grail in providing a channel for advertising, their vast potential for understanding and targeting consumers may still be the key to effective advertising in a performance-based world.  Dr. Fou explains that "By redefining social networks as 'the collective conversations and actions of customers, evidenced online,' marketers can instead use social networks as places to do research-e.g., test messages with real customers in a real environment, listen to how customers describe their products or services to peers, or get ideas for new products or how to improve current products. And finally, advertisers can identify influencers, mavens or 'heavies' on social networks (the ones who are most active in talking, posting or sharing) and let them beta-test and write about their product or service."

Not only can social networks help advertisers better identify, understand and influence their targets, they have the potential to exponentially extend their reach.   According to Advertising Age, there is "emerging evidence that mapping the online relationships among consumers -- creating so-called social graphs -- can be just as valuable as traditional targeting and segmentation in predicting how people will respond to marketing messages."  The idea is to not only market to your identified target consumer, but market to the other people in that consumer's social network.  The theory is that advertisers should associate "consumers who are already connected and share values and beliefs, a concept called homophily."  Yahoo and several small start-ups are starting to prove out this theory.

Finally, there may still be hope for television.  In early November, Dish Network struck a deal with advertising technology firm Invidi that involves the creation of "advanced receivers" capable of "targeted advertising delivery" and "dynamic commercial insertion."  According to Advertising Age, what this means is "[r]ather than bombarding millions of TV viewers with the same ads for things many of them may not be looking to buy, marketers could in the next two to three years send different ads to different households -- making certain, for example, that Procter & Gamble wouldn't have to pay for Pampers ads watched by a couple with no wee tykes and General Motors wouldn't have to show ads for its Hummer vehicles to a house full of Prius enthusiasts."  Industry experts believe that if consumers are presented with highly relevant advertising, they are far less inclined to skip the ad on their DVR.

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Enter Validation Code: * document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); Latest Multimedia Articles More from Kevin Watson Virtual Web PresentersBy: David Gabbitas | 27/11/2008
A virtual website presenter is an interactive experience for your customers, one which they may have not encountered before.

The Maitre D? of Your WebsiteBy: David Gabbitas | 27/11/2008
You have been advised by your advertising campaign management team to display a website presenter on your home page. ?Good idea? you think, ?Er, what would that be exactly??

Virtual Web Presenters - Stand Out From the CrowdBy: David Gabbitas | 27/11/2008
Do you want your company website to stand out from the crowd? In an age where every business has a website, what can you do to capture an audience?

Are You a Sponsor or a Recruiter?By: johnnyjoy | 26/11/2008
Become a sponsor, become a leader ... and leaders will follow you. As long as you are involved with a solid company, with in-demand products, and a fair compensation plan you will succeed, as long as you adopt a long-term sponsor's attitude about your business.

Claymation ? Better Than Regular AnimationBy: General Manager | 26/11/2008
Claymation or clay animation is probably the best known and most loved form of 3D stop motion animation.With clay animation you are only limited by your own imagination. Clay?s versatility as an animation medium is unparalleled.

Adding Transcripts & Captioning to Videos for That ?real? Global PresenceBy: Kandytrans | 25/11/2008
We were transcription Company offering world class outsourcing transcription services to media and television industries at an affordable rate. Call our toll free number 1-877-323-4707

Guerrilla Marketing Glossary (a-c)By: Jeff R. Lamb | 24/11/2008
The Guerrilla Marketing Glossary is a standardization of guerrilla marketing and alternative media terminology. This glossary creates a uniform and standardized understanding of terms which are commonly thrown around in the guerilla marketing environment. This version of the glossary covers A-C.

How to Free Download Youtube Videos on Mac?By: hanstrong | 24/11/2008
It helps you download, convert, play and manage your favorite YouTube videos which compatible with your favorite portable device.

How to Properly Attribute a Creative Commons Licensed PhotoBy: Kevin Watson | 01/11/2008 | Blogging
In my last article, I described the power of Creative Commons (CC) licensing and how to use it to your advantage to find high quality pictures to make your blog or website more compelling. In order to take advantage of the vast collection of freely distributable CC content you can find on sites like Flickr, however, you need to attribute that content back to the author, and describe the license that the author has granted for that piece of content. According to CreativeCommons.

Use Creative Commons Licensed Photos to Spruce Up Your Website - for FreeBy: Kevin Watson | 01/11/2008 | Blogging
For those of you who maintain your own blog or website, you've probably discovered that a great way to jazz up your posts is to bedazzle them with a stock photo here and there. Pictures are attention-grabbers (nobody likes to read). Stock photos, because of the royalties owed to the photographers, cost money, and that can add up if you're constantly posting. Wouldn't it be great if you could just reuse pictures you find on the internet without paying royalties? Now, before you go crazy and st

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Virtual Web Presenters - Stand Out From the Crowd

Virtual Web Presenters - Stand Out From the Crowd $(function() { $('#tabs1, #tabs1a, #tabs2').tabify() } ) _uacct = "UA-318473-1"; urchinTracker();
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Home Page Advertising Multimedia Virtual Web Presenters - Stand Out From the Crowd Virtual Web Presenters - Stand Out From the Crowd Posted: 27-11-2008 | Comments: 0 | Views: 2 Related Articles Related Q&A The Sound Of Business Part 1Why You Need A Website Gestalt11 Ways To Drive Traffic Away From Your WebsitePost-college, the Road Less TraveledWeb Design - Getting a Website for Your Company or Small BusinessThe Maitre D? of Your WebsiteThe Solution is VideotileVirtual Web Presenters Ask the community a question about this article:
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Syndicate this Article Copy to clipboard Virtual Web Presenters - Stand Out From the CrowdAuthor: David Gabbitas

Do you want your company website to stand out from the crowd? In an age where every business has a website, what can you do to capture an audience?
A virtual website presenter may provide the answer. Adding a website presenter to your company website will put a face to your company. Your customers will   have a sense of the people behind the corporate logo.
Using the very latest in flash website video to welcome your customers to your site, whilst also, highlighting the key features of your website. Additionally a technology your site could utilise a virtual presentervirtual presenter can be used to navigate your customers to the areas on your site that you may wish to drive them towards, but leaving the customer feeling that they have been gently guided by the hand.
The interactive features of flash website video give your customers the sense that your company is speaking directly to them. You are not making them navigate through endless pages on your website to get where they want to be. In fact, a virtual website presenter could make them feel like there was a friend standing beside them, pointing them in the right direction. You get your customers exactly where you want them to be without them feeling frustrated at having to search your whole site but without the hard sell experience that many sites leave customers  feeling.
With a virtual presenter, you are capturing your audience from the very second they land on your homepage, creating an instant impact. Selling yourself, without overselling yourself,  making your customers feel as though you are there for them and not just yourself, now your customers become a larger part of your advertising strategy. Leave a big enough impact on your customer, with your helpful and informative website presenter and those same customers will spread the word to other potential customers, eager to see what all the fuss is about.
It is a well known fact that a website has, on average, ten seconds to grab the attention of a potential customer and whilst a picture may well be worth a thousand words, an interactive flash website video with a virtual website presenter could very well be worth one hundred times that amount.

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Do you want your company website to stand out from the crowd? In an age where every business has a website, what can you do to capture an audience?
A virtual website presenter may provide the answer. Adding a website presenter to your company website will put a face to your company. Your customers will   have a sense of the people behind the corporate logo.
Using the very latest in flash website video to welcome your customers to your site, whilst also, highlighting the key features of your website. Additionally a technology your site could utilise a virtual presentervirtual presenter can be used to navigate your customers to the areas on your site that you may wish to drive them towards, but leaving the customer feeling that they have been gently guided by the hand.
The interactive features of flash website video give your customers the sense that your company is speaking directly to them. You are not making them navigate through endless pages on your website to get where they want to be. In fact, a virtual website presenter could make them feel like there was a friend standing beside them, pointing them in the right direction. You get your customers exactly where you want them to be without them feeling frustrated at having to search your whole site but without the hard sell experience that many sites leave customers  feeling.
With a virtual presenter, you are capturing your audience from the very second they land on your homepage, creating an instant impact. Selling yourself, without overselling yourself,  making your customers feel as though you are there for them and not just yourself, now your customers become a larger part of your advertising strategy. Leave a big enough impact on your customer, with your helpful and informative website presenter and those same customers will spread the word to other potential customers, eager to see what all the fuss is about.
It is a well known fact that a website has, on average, ten seconds to grab the attention of a potential customer and whilst a picture may well be worth a thousand words, an interactive flash website video with a virtual website presenter could very well be worth one hundred times that amount.

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Article Source: Article Tags: Website, Video, Interactive, Flash, Web, Presenters, Presenter Add new Comment Your Name * Your Email: * Comment Body *
Enter Validation Code: * document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); Latest Multimedia Articles More from David Gabbitas Virtual Web PresentersBy: David Gabbitas | 27/11/2008
A virtual website presenter is an interactive experience for your customers, one which they may have not encountered before.

The Maitre D? of Your WebsiteBy: David Gabbitas | 27/11/2008
You have been advised by your advertising campaign management team to display a website presenter on your home page. ?Good idea? you think, ?Er, what would that be exactly??

Are You a Sponsor or a Recruiter?By: johnnyjoy | 26/11/2008
Become a sponsor, become a leader ... and leaders will follow you. As long as you are involved with a solid company, with in-demand products, and a fair compensation plan you will succeed, as long as you adopt a long-term sponsor's attitude about your business.

Claymation ? Better Than Regular AnimationBy: General Manager | 26/11/2008
Claymation or clay animation is probably the best known and most loved form of 3D stop motion animation.With clay animation you are only limited by your own imagination. Clay?s versatility as an animation medium is unparalleled.

Adding Transcripts & Captioning to Videos for That ?real? Global PresenceBy: Kandytrans | 25/11/2008
We were transcription Company offering world class outsourcing transcription services to media and television industries at an affordable rate. Call our toll free number 1-877-323-4707

Guerrilla Marketing Glossary (a-c)By: Jeff R. Lamb | 24/11/2008
The Guerrilla Marketing Glossary is a standardization of guerrilla marketing and alternative media terminology. This glossary creates a uniform and standardized understanding of terms which are commonly thrown around in the guerilla marketing environment. This version of the glossary covers A-C.

How to Free Download Youtube Videos on Mac?By: hanstrong | 24/11/2008
It helps you download, convert, play and manage your favorite YouTube videos which compatible with your favorite portable device.

Crowdsourcing Your Next ProjectBy: Chris Miller | 21/11/2008
Launched back in May, here in Chicago, crowdSPRING becomes the conduit for buyers who need a new logo, website, marketing materials or other creative content and creatives who could be down the street or across the world.

Samsung Toner CartridgesBy: David Gabbitas | 02/12/2008 | Computers
When you buy a Samsung toner cartridge from PC Friend you can be rest assured that you are purchasing a high quality product that is as a result of vigorous testing and is at the forefront of the latest technology. Worldwide acclaimed Samsung have been the leaders of communications and technology for many years and are recognised for their commitment to customer satisfaction.

Hewlett Packard Toner CartridgesBy: David Gabbitas | 01/12/2008 | Computers
HP compatible toner cartridges are available at discounted prices here at PC Friend. Here you can expect good quality products, excellent service and prompt delivery all at fantastic hard to beat prices! Just because you have run out of toner and urgently need some more for those all important documents needn?t mean you have to pay a hefty price.

Canon Toner CartridgesBy: David Gabbitas | 01/12/2008 | Computers
Canon?s reputation for implementing a product that maximises your printer?s performance is unparalleled by no other printer supply manufacturer.We often take care in purchasing a reliable printer that is sure to offer the highest quality of images and documents in order to maintain professionalism whether at home or work.

Brother Laser CartridgesBy: David Gabbitas | 01/12/2008 | Hardware
Although printing has become ever increasingly necessary, so has the need to print documents with a professional quality. Also important is that our printing is met with as few errors as possible and as much haste as a printer can facilitate. For that you need a product that has been specially formulated to work in unison with your printer, working together to provide you with a quality product.

Brother Toner CartridgesBy: David Gabbitas | 01/12/2008 | Computers
PC Friend have taken care of one of three elements needed when printing, the toner. Although the printer you buy and the paper you use are important as well, we feel the toner cartridges you use have a big impact on the printing results you achieve. We therefore appreciate the need for good quality toner but don?t believe you need to pay the earth for it.

Samsung Toner CartridgesBy: David Gabbitas | 28/11/2008 | Hardware
A leader in the printing industry, Samsung is known for its many patents and innovative designs. Samsung supplies are highly engineered producing superior quality formulas, allowing for a consistent printed output for years to come. Research and development is, and will continue to be, the driving force behind Samsung

Samsung Clp350 Toner CartridgesBy: David Gabbitas | 28/11/2008 | Hardware
Whether you are responsible for ordering printing supplies for use in the office, or whether you are intending on using them in the home, Toners4less are here to assist you as best they can. We stock Samsung CLP350 toner cartridges that are ready for despatch as soon as you place your order so you needn?t wait an eternity for them to arrive

Samsung Clp300 Toner CartridgesBy: David Gabbitas | 28/11/2008 | Hardware
Formulated to work specifically with your printer our non-genuine Samsung CLP300 toner cartridges are guaranteed to achieve superior results without paying for expensive packaging. All toner cartridges have been thoroughly tried and tested to suit your printer.

David Gabbitas has 29 articles online.
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