As of this writing television writers in Hollywood are on strike. The importance of this strike will be felt well beyond the current television season and the impact what and where people receive their entertainment in the future. People are now not only embrace the Web for their information needs, but are also increasingly turn to it for their entertainment needs as well.The Web will soon be "place" that fills the gap in the programming Network broadcasters who have been unwilling and / or unable To fulfill. People are willing to tolerate the constant reruns, terrible programming, ads and incessant repetitive as there was no alternative, but it's not alone. Viewers now have an option to bad television and the World Wide Web is, but why should we, and more importantly, how can you take advantage of the opportunity it creates? Why Should You Care? Information and entertainment have merged in recent years creating what has been dubbed "infotainment". It can be argued that the evening news has become more difficult than you might leave news and is not even enter places like the History Channel, where reality and fiction seem to be submitted in equal doses and indistinguishable. So what does all this have to do with you and how you deliver your marketing message? The time has come, if not already here, that companies will not be able to get away with simply downloading brochures and catalogues online, or even large Chapes singing the praises of all the features and benefits associated with their bid. People demand more, they insist on your site is interesting, informative and entertaining, and it is this aspect of the show that potentially makes your marketing presentation memorable.What Is Web-programming? Web-programming takes the creative Web-video campaign concept and pushes a little further up the evolutionary scale marketing by incorporating the message in a programming environment. This concept is not an entirely new idea, in fact one of the most noted commercial television campaigns of 1991 was the Taster's Choice soap opera-like series of commercials that tissaient marketing message courtship in a relationship between two apartments neighbours. In an environment where information and entertainment blur, it seems that the ideal solution to capture the attention of an audience and interest, and create a buzz viral few products or services can generate, presenting a bulleted list of features. Build Brand RelationshipsJames E. Aisner, in his article "More Than A Name: The role of brands in the People's Lives" (HBS Working Knowledge for Business Leaders) references to the research of Harvard Business School Professor, Susan M. Fournier, "Fournier has created a typology of fifteen types of relationships between consumers and their brands. "These brands include the relationship secret affair, the best friend, relative, the fling, court, marriage of convenience, casual friendship, friendship childhood, the mother and child, and master-slave. What kind of relationship have made your mark with your audience? Is it a short-term fling, which begins with a lot of heat and passion, then quickly cools-off, or is it a long-term marriage that will last a lifetime? Finding and promote the most appropriate and beneficial relationship is the mark of marketing purpose of your web-marketing initiative of programming. Part of the problem for many small organizations were able to develop marketing campaigns is that they think in terms of products and services rather than brands; features and benefits rather than on relationships. Almost every product or service on the market may be replaced by a substitute competitive, but the marks are much more difficult to replace; brands create a competitive barrier in the development of relations based on the psychological and emotional factors, the same types of factors that govern your Personal relationships. Generate trust, trust, fidelity and PassionIn his article, "A Brand New You," (Psychology Today), W. Eric Martin says that the brands, become fashionable in the post civil war as a response to population growth which began mobile To lose touch with merchants and local merchants. Brands has become a substitute for the personal relationship that people have with their suppliers. This seemingly minor historical fact helps us understand the importance of brands in the current context of web-centric market. Today, the consumer-customer, whether at retail or business-to-business is more remote, more isolated from the supplier than ever. The Web allows us to market our products and services throughout the world, but in order to really make a sale, we need to establish a business relationship that generates a sufficient level of trust, loyalty and passion. Sneer if you go to the passion and loyalty of Macintosh users have most of their computers, but what other computer company can claim this brand allegiance? Relations Are Based on Psychological NeedsAt heart of any relationship is the emotional or psychological need that this relationship satisfied. If you did not find this subject in what you are doing, then you are at a distinct competitive disadvantage, and you are competing on the most fickle and transient factors: price and features. In business, there is always someone who is willing to sell a replacement product or service cheaper or more bells and whistles. So why would you want to compete on that basis? It really does not matter what you are in business, there is always an emotional or psychological component to what you do. The iPod is the market leader in its category, despite many competitors, it holds that position not because it is cheapest, it is not definitive, or product with the most features it is probably the case, but because it is an iPod - not a tool, but a status symbol, a badge of intelligence and taste, a relationship similar to the mark of being a member of the cool club in town. Web-programming DevelopmentIn short, the Web is planning a campaign based on a series of Web-episodic videos tied together by plotline and character, an ongoing initiative that weaves his story in the marketing field. The integration of the marketing pitch can be done subtly, using the techniques of product placement or height openly part of the story arc. This marketing technique is not for everyone, certainly not for the simple or the marketer who is afraid to experiment or to take a chance. If you are looking for an instant direct financial return as a big sale sign in your storefront window, then you are not looking for marketing, you are looking for promotions. Marketing is to build a relationship with your audience. The more time and effort you invest in marketing, relationship stronger your brand will be, and more responsive to customers you attract and retain. Web-programming - Or BeginThere are four minimum requirements necessary for the creation of a web-video episodic marketing campaign: identifying needs, viewpoint and attitude, and transformation. These are the same elements as defined by Syd Field, the highly respected writer, producer, writer and professor, in his book, "The Screenwriter's Workbook," and they are the same elements that all top-notch sellers use to build customer -- Relations - ask yourself - did you ever met a top seller, which was not a great storyteller? Like all need your identification episodic series will need a hero or protagonist, it is the person of your audience will identify themselves and to act as their surrogate. Your character must be looking for something that relates to the need emotional or psychological completed by your product or service. Anyone who has ever had to deal with an insurance company Geico certainly understands the caveman needed respect. His frustration is the perfect film for the company's marketing message, "it is so easy a caveman can do it." Cavemen We are all at heart, looking for respect from large companies that make we bureaucracies jump through hoops just to place an order. Point de Vue, your paper from a point of view. Your presentation of the protagonist is told from the point of view or is it called an objective observer, perhaps through voice-over. It may even be counter-intuitive and to be informed of an antagonist's point of view. If your script is based procedure, you can even present it from different points of view of each provision of alternative perspectives, each highlighting different aspects of emotional development. Attitude Attitude is particularly important for presentations on the Web, but it is also one of the frightening aspects of marketing for the faint of heart. Too often companies shy away from bold statements, or extreme displays of fear of alienating a part of the audience, but it's the attitude that grabs people's attention, the presentation is memorable and qualifies leads and inquiries. TransformationOne of the hardest things commercial basis episodic series faces the arch is the story. What change has occurred during the life of the series and the campaign concept is strong enough to maintain itself? What transformation is taking place? Does your character happen there or fail to find the emotional or psychological response they seek. If you are unsure of this profound need your product or service responds to find the conflict. All stories are based on conflict, frustration and desire, whether looking for "white white" or better insurance. If the concept is without conflict, you do not need to illustrate your answer. You can show successful transformation based on the adoption of your solution or failure, we can show what works best for what you are marketing, and the audience you are trying to attract. ConclusionThe Web has provided since its inception business with tremendous market opportunities. As the Web, the ability to increase over time, these opportunities increase. Just as other media will cope with competitive pressure created by the Web, the old ways and attitudes die-hard; writer strike is just one example of a group trying to maintain a dominant position in a competitive environment that they can not control. The opportunities are there to make your brand marketing if you have the courage to act.
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