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Change is inevitable; as an economy matures, ages, and ultimately evolves into something new, adjustments must be made to our business development, marketing and branding. Failure to adapt to new realities results in potentially unwanted dramatic consequences.
We are all aware of how modern economies have grown from agricultural, to industrial, and on to the information-based, but where do we stand now? Is the information economy dead and if so what's replaced it?
We need look no further than Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to see parallels between personal and economic growth in a sophisticated modern economy. The agrarian economy satisfied the first level of Maslow's hierarchy by fulfilling basic physical needs like food, while the industrial age provided the goods necessary to satisfy a variety of concerns ranging from safety to social acceptance and status; the information economy provided answers to our cognitive needs, the desire for knowledge, but things have changed. The Web has disrupted business as usual: the effects on the music, film, television, newspaper, book publishing, and software industries, just to mention a few, has been not just dramatic, but traumatic. The adage, 'adapt or die,' has never been truer for business. So where are we now on the personal and economic pyramid?
Be All You Can Be
At the top of this pyramid is 'self-actualization' the desire to make the most of our existence and as the US Army's slogan states to 'Be All You Can Be.' This is the central defining issue of the new economic reality, the Experience Economy.
Authors B. Joseph Pine and James H. Gilmore state the issue of what business needs to focus on in this new economic era: "While commodities are fungible, goods are tangible, services are intangible, experiences are memorable and transformations are effectual. All other economic offerings have no lasting consequence beyond their consumption." - 'The Experience Economy: Work is Theatre & Every Business a Stage.'
Experiences are memorable and transformations effectual, this should be your new marketing mantra, your marching orders to fulfill what the market demands: to be all you can be.
Experiences Are Memorable, Transformations Effectual
What then does this mean: experiences are memorable and transformations effectual. In order to effect change: to turn website audiences into customers, marketers must deliver something more than commodities that are replaceable for a price, goods that are made irrelevant by technology, and services that are mere conveniences. The businesses that will succeed in this new experience economy are the businesses that will provide an experience and not just goods and services.
We are surrounded by examples of the experience economy both online and off. The growth of coffee giant, Starbucks, was not a result of great coffee but of the experience it provided to patrons, while online, iTunes satisfied the ignored needs of music buyers and Amazon did the same for book lovers. The Macintosh is finally gaining market share because the experience consumers have had with iPods has been so satisfying that they are now ready to bring that same satisfying experience to their desktops. The key to business survival is not a new feature or even a lower price, but rather an experience that satisfies the soul.
Experiences Satisfy The Soul
Traditional business thinking has lagged far behind the sophisticated psychological desires of the experience-economy consumer. Business schools have produced a cadre of bean counters and statistical idiot savants whose grasp of this new experience-driven economic reality has been outpaced by Web-savvy mavericks bent on delivering the essential emotional need of consumers to gain some measure of satisfaction in a hectic, demanding, frustrating world.
The Web is not without its own version of mindless number crunchers, selling the search engine optimization snake oil of Web-traffic nirvana. These new age carpetbaggers play on the conventional wisdom and comfort food of spreadsheet statistics. Like Texas Hold'em poker, you can play the math or you can play the man, and it's the latter that generally walks away the winner.
The Six-Step Web-Branding Blueprint
The Goal: Transformation Through Self-Actualization
The end result of our efforts is to transform website visitors into customers but in order to do that we must take a step back. The experience economy demands a new way of thinking about your audience and exactly what it is you're selling. Every marketing decision you make from now on should relate back to one simple priority: what element of self-actualization do you deliver? Find that element and build your marketing campaign around it. Forget price, quality and service; they are all discounted in the minds of a highly cynical marketplace bugged more than enlightened by heavy-handed old-school marketing presentations and methodologies.
Step one: understand your marketing goal is to transform your audience from unsatisfied cynical viewers into satisfied contented clients.
The Prerequisite: Expectation
Successful marketing is about creating a set of realistic, believable expectations that can be fulfilled by the offering. Almost daily we are bombarded by over-hyped, silly direct marketing Web-advertising that is structured to take advantage of consumers' weaknesses, their desire to improve, to be the best they can be, and to gain some measure of satisfaction and relevance in their lives. Creating false expectations may lead to a onetime sale but not a long-term client.
Step two: create appropriate, believable expectations that you can actually fulfill.
The Product: Audience
One way of wrapping your head around this new approach is to think of your audience as if they were your product; you are transforming them from unsatisfied browsers to satisfied evangelists - that's your job. You just don't want to make a sale you want to make coverts, an army of satisfied consumers telling everyone they know how great you are. Getting people onto your emailing list is not good enough; turn them into believers and proselytizers.
Step three: the product of your marketing is your audience, turn your website audience into true believers spreading the gospel of your ability to satisfy.
The Methodology: Experience
Experiences are passed-on and reinforced by the strength of the story you tell. The Springwise newsletter has a perfect example of the strength of having a unique and interesting story. Emil and Magnus Gerbola of Denmark import Italian wine and sell it to wine bars, restaurants, corporate clients and consumers. But the experience of buying a bottle of Gerbola Vin is different from your usual trip to the liquor store. These two brothers, the sons of an itinerant Italian circus clown have set up shop in an underground candle-lit bunker built in 1942. What could be better than sitting with your friends enjoying a bottle of imported wine and entertaining them with the story of the circus clown's wine merchant sons operating out of a World War II bunker.
Step four: enhance your offering with a differentiating story forming the basis of the unique satisfying experience you offer.
The Stage: The Web
Believe it or not there are still businesses that can't quite grasp the necessity of using the Web as their marketing centerpiece. And then there are those that just don't recognize that the Web is a multimedia platform, and not just a reservoir of digital brochures and catalogs.
The Web has multiplied the Paradox of Choice, the principle that the more choices you have, the harder it is to make a decision. As a consequence, websites must deliver well-crafted differentiating marketing messages using experience-generating multimedia Web-techniques.
Step five: the Web is no longer just a dumping ground of random information; it is a highly sophisticated stage for creating experiences through the delivery of entertaining, informative, compelling, and memorable stories.
The Vehicle: Video
There is just no better way to cut through the remoteness and isolation of the Web than video. And when we talk of video we are not talking about slide shows of still photos and bulleted points. Just because it moves doesn't mean it's effective. The way to tell your story and deliver your message is with a real person that can express emotion, emphasis, charm, personality and impact.
Step six: Deliver your marketing message, your unique differentiating story, your identity and brand through the clever and sophisticated employment of memorable Web-video.
A Final Thought
If you run a business you're busy and that leads to a satisficing tendency to over-simplify, to reduce things down to an elevator pitch, to create meaningless mission statements and lists of bulleted points delivered by a boring PowerPoint slide show; unfortunately clients are complicated and business is complex, but Pine and Gilmore say it clearly in the title of their book, 'The Experience Economy: Work is Theatre & Every Business a Stage' or if you prefer just remember what old Will Shakespeare had to say, "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players." If you want to be a 'player,' you have to learn how to effectively communicate with your audience through the power and impact of experience marketing.
Its said that 97% of all Internet business endeavors fail miserably within the first year of operation. The reason for this massive failure rate is nothing more than a lack of education. People do not spend the time necessary researching effective marketing techniques. They go into their business without understanding how to run it - and they fail. That's the bottom line.
Internet businesses are real businesses in every way. Millions of people join MLM programs every year. They're motivated. They are sure that they will be the next Internet millionaire. And then they fail. They don't understand why. They tried and they tried to attract visitors to their sites and convert them. After spending thousands of dollars in hundreds of hours of effort, they give up defeated like a whipped dog.
If you want to experience success on the Internet, you have to stop trying so hard to attract other people. Make yourself attractive instead. Give them what they want. Then they will flock to you. Learn the techniques of Attraction Marketing:
1) Attraction Marketing techniques make the customer come to you. That way they feel no pressure to buy, join, sign up or take any other action at all.
2) Internet surfers are looking for valid and relevant information. They want to learn things. The foundation of Attraction Marketing is to supply them with that information.
o Establish yourself as an expert
o Provide fresh, accurate and relevant information
o Don't make them feel pressured
3) Employ strategies utilizing web 2.0 technologies.
o You have to do your research. There are as many ineffective marketing techniques as there are effective ones. Weed them out.
o Blogging, article submission, Squidoo lenses, social networking and forum posting are great topics to start your research on.
4) Implement a system so that your prospects can get to know and trust you.
5) Make yourself and readily available so that they can easily contact you when they are ready.
6) Don't expect overnight results. Developing passive income is a procedure that you must commit to for the long run.
7) Advertise, Advertise, and Advertise! Get your name everywhere on the Internet that you possibly can. Use offline marketing techniques as well. Live your business. Be your business.
Remember always that the foundation of Attraction Marketing is the provision of valuable information for people to learn from. This establishes you as a trusted expert in their minds. Plant the seeds of trust and then fertilize them so that they can grow into strong entities. Attract your prospects to you. Don't chase them. This way, when you are contacted, it is from pre-sold prospects that are ready to join your already trusted program. Prosper!