Sunday, November 23, 2008

Crowdsourcing Your Next Project

No I?m not talking about oursourcing your job but rather tapping into a global market of designers. Launched back in May, here in Chicago, crowdSPRING becomes the conduit for buyers who need a new logo, website, marketing materials or other creative content and creatives who could be down the street or across the world.
Simply put, you the buyer post your requirements and specs. Once posted, creatives from around the world submit actual work ? not bids or proposals for the buyer to review but actual work. I know I can hear you grumbling about spec work now, and I did myself when I first met Ross, Mike, Pete and the team at crowdSPRING, but keep reading.
As the submissions come in, buyers are able to review, sort, rate, provide feedback and collaborate with creatives until they find the "the one." crowdSPRING provides customized legal contracts, full project management, robust notifications, and many more. Nearly 8,000 creatives from 130+ countries work on crowdSPRING. Buyers set their own price and crowdSPRING takes a 15% commission on top of that price. crowdSPRING Freelancers get 100% of the money paid by buyers and buyers put the money in escrow with crowdSPRING at the beginning of the project, ensuring payment.
Successful? Well they?ve hosted over 1,000 projects, presented at DEMO and been recognized by a number of publications. But the proof point for me is what they are tapping into, crowdsourcing, but with a twist.
What I believe crowdSPRING really does is allow the growing creative movement ?millions of people around the world ? to have a voice. And by having this voice it begins to change the risk/reward model in remarkable ways.
According to Ross Kimbarovsky at crowdSPRING: ?These underdogs or unknowns have a high tolerance for risk because they have few alternatives.? They develop great software that challenges conventional thinking ? before a single customer agrees to pay to use that software. They do this with eyes wide open and hearts exposed. They understand the risk and embrace it. They create not just for the money, but because they have a need to create. Novelists write books before they have a publisher. Painters paint before they have gallery representation or a single commission. Musicians and bands record songs long before a label deal is in sight.? I couldn?t have set it better.
But this isn?t for agencies, right? After all we?re doing more then logos and such? Wrong. Back in September and previewed at DEMO, crowdSPRING introduced crowdSPRING Pro, which ?allows companies to post creative projects on the crowdSPRING Web site without revealing proprietary details, giving major brands and creative agencies exposure to top creative talent around the world while ensuring that the resulting work remains hidden from competitors? according to Kimbarovsky.
Now the game changes a bit.
Instead of dwelling on the potential negatives I?m looking at the positives for crowdSPRING, namely the ability to tap into the global resources of creatives. For a relatively low cost I can have resources at my disposal that I may never have found were it not for crowdSPRING. As an agency we could use this as a springboard, ideation or even to add to existing work, The possibilities themselves are just beginning with this global market and talent that are there ands ready.
In writing this I?d like to acknowledge by own sourcing and give a big thanks to Ross at crowdSPRING for sharing past writings, his take on the market and some pretty good pizza.


Digital Contents Exploitation

The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of Dwells of Chris Anderson it describes how the Web is contributed that the audiovisual products that do not generate a high volume of sales across the traditional means of exploitation find by a public determined for his marketing across the new means. Being indisputable that the integration of the contents in average these has grown spectacularly, the resultant models of business are of enormous magnitude. It is not of surprising, therefore, that all the implied actors ?the sector of the telecommunications, the own mass media, the technologies of the information and the companies of electronics of consumption? are immersed in digital contents exploitation (OECD, 2006).

Are the challenges that arise from the exploitation of these contents changed and to come both from the offer and from the demand of the customer. In this work there are described development condition of the involved technologies, the processes of management of the contents ?so much from the managerial environment like in Internet? as well as the customization that the user needs.

Finally it suits to do two emphasis that explain better the work that we approach:

· The enormous economy on a large scale that suppose the offers referred to our industry due to the potential derived from the contents in spanish (ASIMELEC, 2008).

· Sector of the contents and his exploitation on digital means like strategic field of research in the training and research in the Communication faculties with a view to the European Higher Education Area.

On this way, this study belongs to a works series of FONTA research group of Complutense University of Madrid, in order to study new information and communication technologies development.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

The New Trend in Vinyl Banners Advertising is Getting Custom-made Banners

In this age of digitalized products, there is a huge demand for easy and versatile products. More and more consumers want the products they buy to give me more flexibility in terms of performance and durability. They also don?t want to pay steep prices to acquire them. While this might seem like a tall order, there is one product that does manage to fit all these requirements and more. And that is vinyl banner. Today, vinyl banners are making a huge comeback thanks to the digital printing technology. Made from PVC, these banners are easy to create, cart, and store. They can be readied within a matter of few hours and come in many different sizes include very small and extra large. Because vinyl banners are easy on the pocket, they can be afforded by even a small-time shopkeeper to promote his/her products and services. Due to the increasing demand for these banners, companies are now offering customized banners that are specifically created to fit the requirements of their clients.

These custom banners are even being offered over the Internet. You have a choice of banners such as mesh, textiles, heavy weight, backlit, custom, light weight, and light or heavy nylon reinforced, canvas, photo paper, and matte paper. All these customized banners are durable, in a huge choice of colors, and have a no color fading guarantee. These are also weather, water, and sun resistant and offer a minimum of 3 years warranty. Customer service options include email, phone, or live chats.

Online custom vinyl banners also provide you the convenience to view your design and only then order the banner. This ensures you value for money and prevents any kind of worry. Create, design, and preview your banner yourself, or have a team of excellent and experienced graphic designers help you in the task. If you think these are time consuming options, simply select a banner from the wide variety of readymade advertising banners available online and customize it for your requirement.

Choosing a vinyl banner has never been easy and quick. The many different types of vinyl banners available include:

1.    Vinyl lettered banners
2.    Screen printed banners
3.    Digital vinyl banners
4.    Painted banners

So, if you rather not spend several thousands of dollars on different advertising campaigns yet get the attention from the passersby, customized vinyl banners are the best deal for you!


Vinyl Banners are Versatile and Economical Form of Advertising in the Outdoors

One of the low cost forms of outdoor advertising, Vinyl banners are versatile, durable, and attractive. Nowadays, these banners are printed digitally and are available in numerous different sizes that can even cover a full-size billboard. One of the most favored outdoor advertising forms; banners have been used to attract people for a long time. With technological advances, banners are more becoming more cost effective and can be used by everyone, from a startup to an established giant. Easy to use, attractive, eye-catching in multiple colors, availability in various sizes, finishes, and styles, vinyl banners are just what you need to enhance the visibility of your product/service in today?s competitive world.

Types of Banners

The International Sign Association guide has also included vinyl banners in their guide because of its varied skills and efficacy. The most popular choice of material for banners includes vinyl in heavy weight and known as PVC. The banners are priced based on their weight and can weight as little as 9 ounces to as much as 22 ounces/sq. yard. Some vinyl banners can be double sided; others can be only single sided. Those banners that need to be hung from large heights etc come fitted with grommets. Then there are extra large advertising banners, which are so large that they can cover the side of an entire building! These are made from a special kind of mesh material that allows the passages of wind through them so that they don?t get damaged. Some companies even offer customized banners that are tailor made to your specifications.

Production of Banners

1)    Digital Banners: are printed using water based, solvent, and semi-solvent inks. Some of the printers used for printing them, can even provide UV protection to resist the effects of weathering. Large format inkjet printers used to print extra large banners are produced using computerized inkjet sprays that work directly on the PVC or vinyl. Some of the best banner printing printers are manufactured by companies like KVR-pixojet, Jetta, Xerox, Mimaki, Encad, Colorspan, Roland, Kodak, and Hewlett-Packard.

2)    Vinyl Banners (lettered): are made using single letters or other elements cut out using computerized vinyl cutter from self-sticking vinyl.

3)    Screen printed Banners: are screen printed in such a way that many different colors can be used at a single time with the help of stencils.
4)    Painted Banners: are not very common now, but are created using hand-painted artwork and lettering.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Taking Care of Vinyl Banners is an Essential Part of Banner Promotion

Designing and creating vinyl banners is one thing and taking care of these banners is another thing. Most businesses and individuals getting a vinyl banner made forget that in spite of them being durable, they need to be taken care of. If you take care of your banners then they will last longer and look as good as new every time you display them.

Let?s try and understand first what a vinyl banner really is. Vinyl banners are a type of billboard advertisement and the name is derived from the fact that they are made from some of the finest grade or high quality vinyl material. The type of vinyl material used for creating a vinyl banner is versatile and made from some really heavy-duty materials. It is the heavy-duty materials that are responsible for making any vinyl banner long-lasting and durable.

Over the years, vinyl banners have become a favorite amongst advertising professionals and corporate. Today these banners are considered as the first choice for all types of promotional needs. One of the main reasons for their popularity is the fact that they are effective for both short-term as well as long-term advertising and promotion. A high quality banner can last for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 1 year if used for outdoor campaigns. Another aspect that makes these banners popular is the fact that they are easy to handle, put up, and remove. As a result, you can use them for multiple promotional campaigns spread over a longer time period.

To make it possible to use vinyl banners time after time for different promotional campaigns, you will need to take care of them. Taking care basically translates into cleaning these banners. A vinyl banner needs to be cleansed using a mild detergent or soap in water. You need to wipe the vinyl using a soft cloth. You can even use mild dish-washing detergent mixed with water or a cleaning liquid on these banners after every promotional or outdoor use. It is important to note that use of harsh or strong cleaners can affect the quality of the banner and also wear it off faster. Once you have cleaned your banners, you can keep it for drying.

The second most important aspect of cleaning is storage. Where you store your vinyl banners is important. If you store your banners in a dingy, dark and un-kept place then the chances are that your banners will get dirty more often and lose their shine as well as quality. The first thing to note is that you need to roll your banner before keeping them in the storage area. While rolling the banner, ensure that the vinyl letterings are facing outside. Once you have rolled your banner, keep them in a cardboard tube.

Warning: Never fold your vinyl banners as this might lead to your banners having permanent creases.

Some of the other things that you should know include the fact that you should never store your vinyl banner in warm places or expose them to extreme heat conditions as this may lead to the melting of the vinyl letterings. You need to keep it in a cool and dry place, which has a maximum temperature varying from 50 degrees to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Vinyl Banners are One of the Most Useful Marketing Materials

Outdoor advertising has changed over the years since billboards were first used in 1931. Over the last 80 years, outdoor advertising has transformed tremendously from the use of billboards to digital signages, neon signage, bus advertising, mobile billboards, and now vinyl banners. Vinyl banners are now being considered as one of the cost effective solutions for marketing and promotions and the salient point is that these banners have a long life too.

Considered to be a low cost outdoor advertising medium, vinyl banners have become a favorite with marketing professionals. Most marketing professionals of today consider these banners to be an indispensible tool that can create high visibility outdoors and can also be used for different or multiple campaigns. Here are some of the aspects for considering a vinyl banner as one of the best options for your promotional campaigns:

Vinyl banners can be used for both outdoor and indoor promotional campaigns:
This is probably the greatest advantage that vinyl banners have over other commercial banners, billboards, and advertising mediums. You can use these banners for various indoor advertising promotions as well as for outdoor marketing campaigns. The reason for such versatility arises from the fact that vinyl is a highly flexible and durable material, which can withstand heavy-duty exposure to different natural elements like water, wind, storm etc. The secondary aspect is that they can last you anywhere from 6 months to a year depending on its usage. If you are planning to use these banners for outdoor campaigns then it is best to opt for UV coating. UV coating will provide protection to your banners from ultra violet radiation that emits from the sun. It will also protect your banner from the problem of color fading.

Vinyl banners are readable:
If your advertising is not readable or comprehensible then you will not only lose out on prospective customers but the entire advertising exercise will fail. Most companies these days are looking for advertising material or medium that can reach out to people with ease. Whether it is a person driving across a busy street or someone walking down an alley; either ways they will be able to notice your banner if the banner has readable copy. So what you can ideally do is use bold letterings in your vinyl banners so that they can stand out. The bolder the letterings and their color will be, the higher the impact on your prospective audience and the more readable your banners will be.

The size of the banner is important:
Most companies and marketing professionals don?t realize the importance of the size of vinyl banners. If you are putting up your banner in street on a crowded city center or shopping mall then the banners should be mid-sized and use colors that will attract attention immediately. If you are putting your banner outside on a wall or if it is at an elevation then the size of the banners should be big enough to be seen from quite a distance. The letterings should be big as well, so that people can read from a distance. The advantage of using a vinyl banner is that it is available in several sizes from 2' x 3' to 2' x 8', 3' x 4', 4' x 8', and to a maximum of 4' x 20'.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

What Works More; TV Advertising or Users' Manuals

What is TV advertising in this age of growing the Internet usage. TV is a good marketing medium. Think about it. We are so desensitized to commercials. We use them for food or bathroom breaks during hot debates or we just downright fast forward through them. I know that I can't stand watching them, so I just forward through them. Bye, bye commercials. Another reason I don't watch is the quality of the commercials. I see far too many local commercials that are just annoying and awful to watch. What are these business owners thinking when they make those commercials?

I see a new trend; people looking up on the Internet for users manuals or instruction and guide books to get have meaningful information about products. That is cool and very subliminal. No?

Real tangible point in this is that people can have a look at user's manual; without buying a product. I love it because that is how I can get the feeler of a product before I pay for it. This will ultimately improve their overall marketing effort and increase their brand image. Manufacturers and advertisers should want more manuals online (have a look a Techno Station and you will know) and seek to reach out.

What is TV advertising in this age of growing the Internet usage. TV is a good marketing medium. Think about it. We are so desensitized to commercials. We use them for food or bathroom breaks during hot debates or we just downright fast forward through them. I know that I can't stand watching them, so I just forward through them. Bye, bye commercials. Another reason I don't watch is the quality of the commercials. I see far too many local commercials that are just annoying and awful to watch. What are these business owners thinking when they make those commercials?

I see a new trend; people looking up on the Internet for users manuals or instruction and guide books to get have meaningful information about products. That is cool and very subliminal. No?

Real tangible point in this is that people can have a look at user's manual; without buying a product. I love it because that is how I can get the feeler of a product before I pay for it. This will ultimately improve their overall marketing effort and increase their brand image. Manufacturers and advertisers should want more manuals online (have a look a Techno Station and you will know) and seek to reach out.


Why a Small Investment in Billboards is the Best Investment That You Can Make

We won?t even worry about trashing the stock market ? it?s already trashed itself. If you are happy losing 40% of your investment as the end result of chasing after 8%, then stick with stocks. If you have higher goals, however, then a small investment in the outdoor advertising ?billboard? business may be right for you. The upside is huge, and the downside is negligible. And the opportunities are all around you.

Here?s the upside of getting into the billboard business:

? You can find new billboard locations, and obtain ground leases and permits for them. You can then sell the ground lease and permit to other billboard companies (there are normally about two or three huge, public companies in every city) at phenomenal prices. On the low end, you can get $5,000 to $15,000. On the high end, on a very desirable location, you can get $100,000 or more. That?s right, you can buy a house from the proceeds of selling one un-built billboard location. And that?s not some boast from a cheesy late-night ?get rich quick scheme? infomercial. It makes sense for large companies to obtain their locations in this manner, and they are happy to pay big bucks for them.

? You can keep the billboard locations you find, and build or renovate them, and rent them out and keep the income. Billboards return about 20% on your investment, so you can build a nice income stream with just a few signs. And there is conventional lending still available for building signs, despite the banking crisis. And if you become tired of operating your billboards, you can always sell them to bigger companies at great prices. Several of the Forbes 400 quietly made their money in this manner, including Ted Turner, John Kluge and Artie Moreno.

Here?s the downside of getting into the billboard business:

? None. That?s right: none. The beauty of the billboard business is the complete lack of massive capital investment. Of course, if you spend 40 hours looking for a billboard location and find none, then you have lost your time and some gas money. But you probably made that back in entertainment and it?s a lot more healthy than going to a casino or spending the day watching TV.

So how do you get into the billboard business? It?s not something that you ever had a course on in high-school or college. The answer is to go to, and decide on how much education you want on the subject. We have Frank Rolfe?s book ?Big Profits from Big Signs?, which is the only training manual on billboards ever written. We also have CDs you can listen to in your car on your daily commute. If you want to really take it seriously, you can take our Billboard Mentorship Program, taught by Frank Rolfe, or attend our annual Boot Camp, where you learn the business out in the field. Beyond the minor education costs, the only other tools you will need are a measuring wheel ($60) and some business cards. All the leases and contracts you need are in the books.

So give up on losing money in the stock market, and start making money in the old-fashioned way ? earning it. And the opportunities are there in billboards.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How the Obama Presidency Will Effect the Outdoor Billboard Industry

The election for the 44th President is over, and the uncertainty of the race is behind us. Now we face the next round of uncertainty ? how this election will affect the outdoor advertising industry. There has not been a more stressful start for a President in recent times; with an unpopular war in Iraq, an economy in recession, the ever-present danger of terrorism, and a complete free-fall in home values and banking solidity. So here is our forecast for what the Obama presidency will mean for the outdoor billboard industry, and the nation in general.

Saving The Auto Industry Is Good News For Outdoor.  Obama appears poised to take an aggressive, proactive approach to trying to shore up the collapsing U.S. auto industry. He is already in talks with Ford and GM to try and construct a plan for when he takes office. As the auto industry is a very heavy user of outdoor billboards, this is a positive development. And keeping the U.S. auto industry alive and healthy also keeps competition with foreign imports hot and heavy, leading to potential increases in ad spending.

Working To Improve The Homebuilding Environment Is Good News For Outdoor.  Obama plans to use the $700 billion bank package approved by Congress to shore up the lending industry, which in turn will improve the ability to make mortgage loans (although not sub-prime as before). This will enable builders to once again sell new homes and those with old homes to be able to sell theirs and pay real estate brokers a fee. Since home builders and real estate brokers are large users of outdoor billboards, this is a great development.

Keeping Banks Healthy Is Good News For Outdoor.  One of the focuses Obama will inherit from Bush is the on-going attempt to keep banks solvent and open for business. Obama appears interested in continuing, and perfecting, this plan. As banks are heavy users of outdoor billboards, this is a very positive step.

Putting More Money In Middle Class American?s Pockets Is Good For Outdoor.  Obama has several initiatives that, he believes, will save the average American family significant cash, even if it is in the form of lower gas prices and lower health care costs. This should translate into greater spending by consumers and, as a result, a healthier environment for retailers. And, as you know, retailers are heavy users of outdoor billboards.

Hope May Lead To Better Consumer Spending.  Since consumers are the biggest part of our economy, and since Obama seems to inspire hope in the average American, perhaps they will keep on spending rather than pulling back. This may lead to a more mild recession, and that is good for all businesses. And almost all business categories are heavy users of outdoor billboards.

In summary, it appears that the Obama presidency will be good for the outdoor billboard industry. Many of his initiatives will help keep some important advertiser categories in a position to keep on advertising, and others will help instill more confidence in a consumer that has endured too much Bush. Although many outdoor billboard owners thought that McCain was important to keep the industry thriving, in retrospect, it appears that Obama might be the candidate that really has the best hope for the industry. And one thing is for sure. In a few months, we are all going to find out.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

7 Brain-blasting Tips to Make Your Radio Jingle Work


Today radio is one of the best ways of attracting attention. Firms spend tons of money on audio production services and radio advertising campaigns to grab your attention. But lots of them fail. To go another way you have to follow these simple tips.

1. Humor

How to become different and not to be lost in the similarity? The answer is in the start. Right from the start, a good jingle should hold the listener's attention. The beginning is everything. If a person doesn't realize in 6-8 seconds what a spot is about he won't listen to it. Humor is a common way to grab an attention. It's easy to focus people on you if you're making them smile. It doesn't mean your spot has to be a complete joke but your jingle can find some degree of humor, be uplifting, or at least include a very positive spin on your subject.

2. Outstanding music

It's good to use an unusual voice or a music in your custom radio jingles. But never make the mistake of using music that is always been playing on the radio station. Don't forget our goal: to stand out of the crowd and to grab an attention.

3. Understand the audience

The key is to understand your target audience and to fit your musical choices to their preferences. A 50-year old businessman will never listen the same kind of music as a 80-year old granpa. Fit the taste.

4. Never lie

The best radio spots make you want to listen from the beggining till the end. For that, an audience must be able to associate themselves with the situation. In other words, it has to sound true. People hate been lied.

5. Use a single message

If you really want to attract people to your radio advertisement, focus on a single message, never use a boring list of features.

6. Intergrate a jingle to your camoaign

Developing advertising campaign not only on the radio? Use the same sounds and music in your jingles. Or you can even make a serial of spots with a developing plot. Let the audience get acquainted with you.

7. Reward the Audience

Radio is not necessarily a direct response medium, though some advertisers use it that way. Most listeners probably won't recall a phone number heqrd in the jingle or do what you ask them to do. But what they will remember is how you product will help them. Same as a joke, your definitely best radio spots has to end with the resolution of a humorous situation or some final bit of information that helps listeners use the benefits of your product. Praise the audience.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Videofilmen Als Werbeträger

...Internetwerbung mit Bewegten Bilder erzielen die meiste Aufmerksamkeit (Yahoo! Deutschland )

Wenn ein Bild mehr sagt als tausend Wörter, welche Werbebotschaft trägt dann erst ein Video? Werbespots, die bei Videoportal wie z.B YouTube Millionenfach Downloads generieren, zeigen das Potenzial für Videofilmen als Werbeträger.

Warten Sie jetzt nicht länger und verpassen Sie nicht den Trend. Mit Ez (easy)-Clips ist es so einfach wie 1..2..3.. um ein Werbe Clip zu erstellen


Ein Clip ist bereits ab € 25.00 erhältlich und der Ablauf ist denkbar einfach. Sie brauchen lediglich eine Digitalkamera

Fotografien oder nehmen Sie kurze Video Clips mit der Digitalkamera auf

Kontrollieren und senden Sie uns anschliessend Ihre Film/Fotomaterial mit Verkaufstext

Wir produzieren, animieren, vertonen, beschriften und untermalen den Clip mit Musik

...einfach zu Integrieren.

Wir integrieren den Clip für Sie in einer Widget Applikation welche es Ihnen erlaubt mittels dem automatisch generierten Code den Clip in Ihre Webseite, Blogs, Online Verkaufsportal, Soical Network zu integrieren. Zusätzlich steht Ihren Besucher noch die„Send to Frind“ E-Mail Funktion sowie eine eigene Webseite und Analytic Report zur Verfügung.


...das Angebot

Wir offerieren Ihnen bis ende Jahr einen 50% Rabat als Einführungs-Sonderangebot an. Zusätzlich erhalten mehrfach Besteller einen Mengenrabatt ab 5 Clips.

...die Lösung um Ihren Umsatz zu steigern

Warten Sie nicht länger erkenne und nutzen Sie jetzt den neuen Trend verbreiten Sie jetzt Ihre Werbebotschaft, es ist so einfach wie 1..2..3

11.08.2008 – Im Vergleich zu anderen Werbeformen bietet der Video Stream ein hohes Aufmerksamkeits- und Faszinationspotenzial. Die Werbebotschaft wird dadurch mit einem vergleichsweise hohen Interesse wahrgenommen. Weiterer Vorteil: Die Verweildauer lässt sich durch die Animation entscheidend steigern. Dadurch können detaillierte Produktinformationen sowie die Imagebotschaft besser transportiert werden.

Den Erfolg von Online-Werbung zweifelt mittlerweile niemand mehr an. Doch welche Art von Werbemittel bringt den größten Werbeerfolg im Internet? Wirken eher einfache Bilder oder aufwendig animierte Video Streams? Diese Fragen vieler Werbetreibender und Agenturen beantwortet jetzt die aktuelle Studie "Yahoo! Rich Media - flash-basierte Werbeformate" von Yahoo! Deutschland.

Am Beispiel der Online-Werbung eines der führenden Online-Reiseanbieters sowie eines Versandhandelsunternehmens wurden Wirkung und Nachhaltigkeit verschiedener Rich Media-Formate und klassischer Online-Werbeformate untersucht. Das Ergebnis ist eindeutig: Der Video Stream erzielt mit Abstand die höchste Aufmerksamkeit sowie eine nachhaltigere Erinnerungsleistung bei den Internetnutzern.

Ziel der neuen Studie war es, herauszufinden, wie sich verschiedene Rich Media-Formate im Werbeumfeld durchsetzen. Untersucht wurde, wie die vier getesteten Rich Media Ads - Expandable Ad, Reverse Expandable, Video Rectangle und Video Stream - mit Blick auf Überzeugungsleistung und Differenzierung gegenüber klassischer Online-Werbung (Rectangle) kommunizieren und welche Akzeptanz die einzelnen Werbeformate bei den Nutzern erfahren.

Je animierter das Werbemittel, desto größer die Wirkung

Die Kombination von Audio und Video erreicht hohe Aufmerksamkeit: Durch den Einsatz von bewegten Bildern und Ton haben Rich Media-Formate das Potenzial, die Aufmerksamkeit von bis zu 100 Prozent der Nutzer auf sich zu ziehen - bei Rectangles liegt die Wahrnehmung nach 60 Sekunden bei 65 Prozent, bei Video Streams nehmen dagegen alle User das Werbemittel wahr. Ferner steigert sich die Verweildauer durch Animation in einem Werbemittel auch entscheidend. Das bewirkt, dass die Aufmerksamkeit stärker auf das beworbene Produkt gelenkt wird: Verharrt der Nutzer auf einem Rectangle gerade einmal zwei Sekunden, so verfolgt er das Video durchschnittlich mehr als zwölf Sekunden.

Dies hat zur Folge, dass deutlich mehr Zeit zur Verfügung steht, detaillierte Produktinformationen und die Imagebotschaft zu transportieren. Ebenso steigen die Erinnerungswerte mit zunehmendem Animierungsgrad: Während sich an eine Werbung im Rectangle-Format ungestützt 13 Prozent erinnern, rangiert der Prozentsatz bei Video Streams und Video Retangle zwischen 40 und 44 Prozent. Darüber hinaus können die animierten Werbemittel den Konsumenten in eine Produktwelt "hineinziehen" und diese mit positiven Emotionen besetzen.

Im Vergleich aller getesteten Werbemittel hat sich der Video Stream durchgesetzt, da er ein hohes Aufmerksamkeits- und Faszinationspotenzial besitzt. Unabhängig vom Inhalt wirken die Video-Werbemittel durch die Einbindung von Bewegtbild bei den Befragten nicht nur dynamisch, sondern auch modern, originell und innovativ. Die Werbemittel werden dadurch mit einem vergleichsweise hohen Interesse wahrgenommen, sodass sich Werbeformen mit integriertem Video tiefer im Gedächtnis verankern. Im Vergleich zu klassischen oder wenig animierten Werbemitteln wirken Rich Media Ads besonders nachhaltig, was sich nicht nur positiv auf die Erinnerungsleistung auswirkt, sondern auch einen positiven Effekt auf die Image-Beurteilung der Marken hat.

Video Streams - effektiv und per Mausklick aktiviert

Erhöhen lässt sich die initiale Aufmerksamkeit für die Video Ads noch durch Formate, die automatisch beim Öffnen der Seite auch Ton abspielen, beziehungsweise die durch ein "Mouse Over" - also bei einer Bewegung der Maus über das Werbemittel - akustisch aktiviert werden. Besonders gut funktioniert dies bei dezenter Musik oder Jingles mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert.

Heiko Genzlinger, Commercial Director von Yahoo! Deutschland, erläutert die Vorteile von flash-basierten Werbeformaten:

"Die Werbewirkung im Internet lässt sich durch den Einsatz von Bewegtbildern eindeutig erhöhen. Wichtig ist in jedem Fall, dass Video- und Audio-Werbemittel harmonisch miteinander kombiniert werden, um die User emotional abzuholen und sie in die jeweilige Markenwelt eintauchen zu lassen. Aber nicht nur das hohe emotionale Involvement spricht für den Einsatz von Rich Media Ads, sondern auch die Fähigkeit, komplexere Botschaften zu transportieren, da die Betrachtungsdauer bei Video Ads deutlich höher ist und via Ton und Bewegtbild mehr Informationen vermittelt werden können."

Neben den Vorteilen des Formats stellt Genzlinger das wachsende Interesse von allen Seiten heraus:

"In den letzten Monaten haben wir bei Yahoo! eine kontinuierlich steigende große Nachfrage an Bewegtbildern quer durch alle Produkte feststellen können. Allein in Deutschland wurden mehr als 14 Millionen Videos gestreamt. Wir sehen dabei natürlich auch gleichzeitig eine entsprechende Nachfrage seitens der Werbetreibenden, die den Konsumenten hier direkt folgen und ihre Werbebotschaften in Form des eher neuen Werbeformats in einem attraktiven Umfeld kommunizieren wollen."

