If you had to guess the most important word in advertising what would it be: free, special discounts, sale, the new improved version, bigger, better? So many words have lost their meaning, or have been corrupted by misuse or abuse that it is not an obvious choice. The words luxury, exclusive and world-class were after it was emptied of its meaning applied to everything from eight hundred square feet condos microwave restaurants that serve frozen meals. We can not even count on the light, food, or low carb actually describe the contents of a package. What advertisers have done is to create a hyper-cynical market, where the audience for all that you sell has lost faith in what was said. The Web, with its emphasis on content offers advertisers the opportunity to redeem herself and provide meaningful information to his audience. All content is Advertising, Publicity Is not all Some may cringe at the thought, but ultimately, the entire content is a form of advertising. The content is rarely if ever neutral, even if it does not openly promote a product or service, the content still has a point to make, or an idea, a concept or a position at the advance. If the content does not provide perspective, some knowledge of sense, but is it really qualify as content? The same goes for advertising, though it does not explain, enlighten or engage, it's just noise. What is advertising's most important Word? My vote goes to the simple innocuous word "as" a nondescript word that carries with it all the conceptualization power you need to create a corporate identity, to create a brand personality, and position your product or service in the minds of your audience. A previous article of mine "Without A video Site Is Like?" Use the power of the metaphor to illustrate how this little four-letter word can crystallize an idea in the mind of an audience. Analogy metaphor + + Stories: The Best Friends Adman's a metaphor explains concepts complex and difficult to understand the processes by comparing them with the knowledge of every day. We use the metaphor of every day without even realizing that we are doing. We race in the office. We work like dogs. "And we all know, it is a" jungle "that exists. Metaphors are essential to the way we communicate with each other and to the success of our marketing communications and advertising. Metaphors can be extended in analogies, and Analogies in stories, stories and campaigns, and campaigns developed in this way have a higher probability of achieving the elusive status of meaningful content that embeds your message in the consciousness Collective public. There is no better way to overcome an objection that the customer's objection to this in perspective, with an allegorical story. Overcoming Objections: How Long Is Too Long? We have all heard of the constant bellyaching impatience Web users on how long they have to wait for more information on the Web. Every time I hear that someone, I remember the story (perhaps apocryphal) of the early introduction of the Polaroid Land camera. Before the day an hour of shops photo, digital photography, video and instant feedback, people had to wait up to one week for their photos to be developed by the local pharmacy or camera shop. When Polaroid came out with a camera that delivered the finished photograph in sixty seconds, people were astounded; an era of instant gratification has begun. So goes the story, a group of adventurers traveled deep into the Brazilian rainforest to learn about indigenous peoples. When they came to a tribe that had never seen before outside, they befriended them and took pictures of them with Polaroid cameras they brought along. The natives loved the pictures because they had never Considering something like this before, but they have a complaint, "Why did it take so long for the pictures to be developed?" The problem is not technology, the problem was one of perception. As the natives who perceive the sixty second development photographs to be slow, so do a lot of web-users perceive the Internet to be slow, but in reality it is an incredible technical achievement where anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can access information from anywhere in the world in a few seconds or, heaven prohibited Minutes. The Better The Story, The Better CommunicationThe The solution to this problem is to improve communication, which you and instantly understood your message. People who are genuinely interested in what you have to say wait for your Web page or video to load. In What suffers is frustrated when they expect, and instead of having a meaningful message, they get a lot of nonsense that is irrelevant, self-congratulation or completely incomprehensible. An audio or video message on your Web site is easier than to take a page full of text or Densément cryptic chips points. But you will lose your audience quickly regardless of the format of your message if it is confusing, confusing, too complex, or buried in b-school platitudes and industry jargon. You need your message is understandable By engaging, and memorable, and one of the best ways to convey this message is to compare it to something your audience can identify. It's like teaching your children a life lesson by reading one of Aesop's fables. Finding Your Metaphor Some people have the knack for expressing things in a way that the audience will instantly capture and especially remembering. For those of us in communication, marketing, advertising, creation and enterprise development, it is necessary skills learned over the years. But for those who are in the day - to-day grind of the business nitty-gritty, it is rare to see a capacity that is developed. Creating a Web video campaign that your audience will be watching, remember, and pass on to colleagues requires a commitment of time and money, and you Are you sure it communicates your message effectively. Rather than using the traditional approach concentration of elements and facts, try something different, try to develop a campaign based on a metaphor that delivers your brand personality and emotional value. Where do we begin? You You need to set free from the concrete, and focus on the conceptual level. While this seems like a difficult thing to wrap around your head, then start with baby steps. Concentrate on the ConceptualAny effective marketing campaign if it is a series of videos Web, direct e-mails, the magazine display ads, banner ads, outdoor billboards, television and radio, or any combination of those Here and works only if it focuses on a single message. At the heart of any advertising is the promise you commit to provide to your customers. No matter how intelligent your memorable or marketing, if you are unable to fulfil this promise, you will fail. Learn a lesson in politics. Public opinion are of the opinion about its policies is on an equal footing with an examination of the prostate. Politicians can 't help themselves, a promise to the electorate that the electorate wants to hear, and we fail to fulfil the promises that will never be kept. Conséquent, people become cynical and distrust of politicians saying everything. Failure to keep your promise to be the cheapest, the best, or the guy with the most features, it's like a politician promising no new taxes. Read my lips! These kinds of promises are a prescription for marketing disaster. Taking the conceptual approach requires a certain degree of trust and understanding that you might have to give up something to get something in return. If you present your identity of the widget Timex, cheap and ubiquitous, then you waive the audience looking for the Rolex Widget expensive and exclusive. Audience Resonance: It's All About A Striking NerveOne of the most memorable ever in television commercials of 1985 was the introduction of the Apple Macintosh. The fight against big brother message said nothing of bits or bytes, or anything else computer, but Apple introduces the character and personality with its allegorical message, a message that is still valid today. If your message is not that kind of power and personality, whether advertising is to get lost or drowned out by the competition, try to find a metaphor instantly Tell your audience who you are and why they should care.
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